Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Always look on the bright side of life...

"Be not discouraged, neither allow the spirit of doubt or gloom or despondency to come into thy life, for these are tricks of the evil one to destroy thy faith and thy usefulness.  But look upon the bright side of life, to be cheerful, humble, prayerful, and pure in thy devotion, and in thy habits, and the Lord will remember thee in mercy.  His power and blessings will be upon thee.  Therefore, look unto the Lord in humility, and thou shalt be comforted in the answers to thy prayers and be guided in the path of thy duty, day and night."

Much Love,

2 comments: said...

Great and cheerful message! Thanks for posting this to begin our new week with! You made my day!

jonnajonna said...

I'm so glad you liked this! I find this quote to be terribly inspiring and muchly needed at this point in my life! :)