Thursday, March 18, 2010


I TOTALLY forgot. One of my favorite random finds is 'The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters'. It's creepy. It's weird. It's Victorian England on...acid. I picked it up the day it was released (in August 2006) on a whim...because I had an excellent coupon from Barnes and Noble. I was THRILLED with this twisted, HUGE (it's 768 pages!) book. The reviews aren't all that positive-but I was hooked.

Last year, a follow up was released in March. 'The Dark Volume' came and went...and got lost. I have been so terribly busy that I didn't pick it up. However...last night while pre-ordering 'Mockingjay' and 'The Murderous Procession' I snagged a copy!

I know that I have a lot on my plate...and very limited amounts of time to read. But...
I couldn't leave this behind. Again.

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